Federalist Society Debate: SDSU West vs SoccerCity

On October 25, 2018 the San Diego Federalist Society hosted an event on the competing Mission Valley stadium site initiatives. SoccerCity project manager Nick Stone and SDSU West Steering Committee member Fred Pierce outlined the merits of their respective sides. L.A. Galaxy radio broadcaster Joe Tutino served as moderator. In Part 1, we hear the presentations from the two sides, and in Part 2 we hear the Q&A from the audience.

Politics in the Pub LIVE - Housing Policy We Can Believe In!

Housing impacts us all in one way or another, and there is no better panel to tackle that topic than the one assembled for this episode. Maya Rosas and Stefanie Benvenuto are two of San Diego’s leading ladies in the fight to fix our housing problems, and what is apparent in this discussion is that not only are they professionals in this industry, but they are both also incredibly passionate about what San Diego becomes in the weeks, months and years to come.

TKF United - Stadium Talk That Rocks: Original Supporters Group vs San Diego Stadium Coalition

Jason’s group recently endorsed the SDSU plan and that kicked off a great back and forth about both Measures G and E. The conversation revolved around the city’s lack of leadership, the future of SDSU in our community, whether or not the window for MLS expansion will close, and the possibility of the Chargers or the NFL coming back to town.